Saturday, October 19, 2013

Women's network in the Senate

I came across this article today from Time that discusses how the 20 women in the Senate played a huge role in ending the government shutdown, because they always make a concerted effort to form a network, across party lines, and to befriend one another and establish a base level of respect. I thought this was really interesting since we've been talking about how powerful women's networks were during the New Deal. In addition to talking about how these women work together so well (interestingly, they tie a lot of it back to domestic things -- holding baby showers and birthday parties for their kids, talking about how being moms and daughters shaped their life experiences -- but not necessarily in a way as limiting as it used to be), the article also discusses the obstacles that women in high places still face and the long road ahead for gender parity in Congress. Long article but a great read.

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